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Institute, University of Chinese Academy of Science
Jinlian Road, Longwan
District, Wenzhou,
325000, China
: doi.masao@a.mbox.nagoya-u.ac.jp
所属学会:日本物理学会 高分子学会 レオロジー学会 液晶学会
Society of Rheologyアメリカ物理学会(APS) イギリス物理学会(IOP)
US National Academy of Engineering
研究 研究テーマ概要 著書 英文著作一覧 和文著作一覧 受賞
1948年 愛知県田原町に生まれる。
1966年 愛知県立時習館高校卒業
1970年 東京大学 工学部物理工学科卒業
1974年 東京大学 工学系研究科 物理工学専攻博士課程中退、東京都立大学理学部 物理学科助手
1976年10月- 78 年 9月 英国インペリアル大学、ケンブリッヂ大学にてS.F.Edwards教授の下で研究
1978年10月-1989年7月 東京都立大学 理学部物理学科 助教授
1984年5月-1985年 2月 日本学術振興会海外派遣研究員-(ケンブリッヂ大学)
1989年 8月-1997年3月 名古屋大学 工学部応用物理学科 教授
1997年4月-2004年3月 名古屋大学大学院工学研究科 計算理工学専攻教授
1998年8月-2002年3月 「高機能材料設計プラットフォームの開発」プロジェクトリーダ
2004年4月-2012年3月 東京大学大学院工学系研究科 物理工学専攻 教授
2012年4月-2013年3月 豊田理化学研究所 フェロー
2013年4月-2021年3月 北京航空航天大学教授
2021年 04 月 瑞宝中綬章
2019年 09 月 Polymer Physics Group Founders' Prize,
Institute of Physics, UK,
2016年 01 月 Foreign
Member of Academy of Engineering, USA
2015年 10 月 Fellow
of Society of Rheology, Society of Rheology
2015年09月 日本液晶学会 著作賞
2014年05月 Humboldt Research Award
2014年05月 日本レオロジー学会功績賞 日本レオロジー学会
2012年05月 高分子学会功績賞
2010年05月 紫綬褒章
2005年01月 イギリス物理学会 名誉会員 Honorary
Fellow of Institute of Physics
2003年 05月 日本レオロジー学会
2001年 10月 アメリカレオロジー学会 Bingham
2001年 03月 アメリカ物理学会 APS Polymer
Physics Prize (Ford prize)
1999年02月 ベルギー カソリック大学(ルーバン) 名誉博士
1988年 11月 日本IBM科学賞 ”高分子液体の粘弾性のレプテーション理論”
1983年 05月 日本レオロジー学会有功賞 ”非線形レオロジーにおけるからみ合い効果”
1982年 05月 高分子学会賞 ”高分子濃厚系の粘弾性の分子論”
2014年2月 - 5 月 デンマーク工科大学 オットー メンステッド客員教授 (Otto Moensted Guest
2013年11月-12月 フランス ESPCI, ESPCI Paris Tech-Michelin visiting professor
1995年05月 アメリカ カリフォルニア大学 サンタ・バーバラ校
Dale Pearson Lectureship
1994年04月-08月 アメリカ カリフォルニア工科大学 Sherman Fairchild Distinguished Scholar
1991年01月-02月 フランス コレージュ・ド・フランス
The Hugot Foundation Lectureship
1989年03月 アメリカ デラウェア大学 Kurt
Wohl Memorial Lectureship
Soft Matter Physics,
Masao Doi, Oxford University
Press (2013) page 1-25
book provides a comprehensive introduction to soft matter (what it is, and what
are the characteristics of such materials), and also provides the reader with
the physical basis for understanding and discussing such characteristics in
more detail. Many basic concepts, which are required in advanced courses of
condensed matter physics, such as coarse graining, scaling, phase separation,
order-disorder transition, Brownian motion, and fluctuation-dissipation
theorem, are explained in detail with various forms of soft matter used as
The Theory of Polymer Dynamicc
Doi and S. F. Edwards Oxford University Press (1986) page 1-391
book provides a comprehensive account of the modern theory for the dynamical
properties of polymer solutions. The theory has undergone dramatic evolution
over the last two decades due to the introduction of new methods and concepts
that have extended the frontier of theory from dilute solutions in which
polymers move independently to concentrated solutions where many polymers
converge. Among the properties examined are viscoelasticity, diffusion, dynamic
light scattering, and electric birefringence. Nonlinear viscoelasticity is
discussed in detail on the basis of molecular dynamical models. The book
bridges the gap between classical theory and new developments, creating a
consistent picture of polymer solution dynamics over the entire concentration range.
土井正男・小貫明 岩波書店(1992) page1-240
Introduction to Polymer Physics
Masao Doi, Oxford University Press (1995) page 1-120
Howard See博士 (シドニー大学)。
are very large molecules consisting of many atoms covalently bonded like a
chain. Their structure gives unique physical properties to polymer solutions.
This outstanding textbook gives a clear and concise introduction to the modern
theory of polymer physics. It describes basic concepts and methods and explains
the statistical properties of the assembly of chain-like molecules; topics
include scaling theory, concentration fluctuation, gels, and reptation. This is
an ideal volume for graduate students and advanced undergraduates in polymer
土井正男・滝本淳一編 名古屋大学出版会 (2004) page 1-300
土井正男 朝倉書店(2006) page 1-227
第3章 温度とエントロピー
第5章 グランドカノニカル分布とその応用
第7章 フェルミ分布とボーズ‐アインシュタイン分布
第8章 相互作用のある系 第9章 相転移 第10章 ゆらぎと応答
土井正男 岩波書店(2010) page
第1章 ソフトマターとは
第2章 溶液とコロイド分散系
第3章 高分子溶液
第4章 高分子弾性体
第5章 液晶
第6章 界面活性剤
第7章 ブラウン運動と熱ゆらぎ
第8章 非平衡ソフトマターの変分原理
第9章 ソフトマターにおける物質拡散
第10章 ソフトマターの変形と流動
著書 分担執筆
of Domains and Textures" Masao Doi, in "Theoretical Challenges
in the Dynamics of Complex Fluids" ed by T.C.B. McLeish,, 1997, Kluwer
Academic Publisher,p 293-314
"高分子・ゲル" 土井正男, 大学院物性物理 第3巻, 福山、山田、安藤編 講談社サイエンティフィーク,
1996,p 155-197
and Properties of Polymers" Masao Doi, in " Viscoelastic and
Rheological Properties" ed E. Thomas, VCH, 1993, p 389-425
"融体の動的性質" 土井正男,"高分子機能材料シリーズ 3巻高分子物性の基礎" 高分子学会編, 共立出版,
1993, p 129-143
"高分子ダイナミックス" 土井正男,
"講座・レオロジー" 日本レオロジー学会編, 1992, p 121-148
Basis for the Viscoelasticity of Suspensions" Masao Doi in "Physics
of Complex and Supermolecular Fluids" ed by S.A.
Safran and N.A.Clark, Wiley 1987 p 611-630
"エッセンシャル高分子科学"中浜,野瀬編、講談社サイエンティフィク ,
"グリーン関数法" 土井正男,
"化学者のための数学" 中条、伏見、堀江、土井編 東京化学同人,
1986, , p 227-238
of Concentrated Macromolecular Solutions" Masao Doi in "Theory of
Dispersed Multiphase Flow"; ed R. E.Meyer,
Academic Press 1983 p 35-56
"高分子ダイナミックスにおけるモンテカルロ法" 土井正男, 高分子実験化学講座,
1978, 丸善, p 1025-1034
論文リスト(英文) List of Publication
Updated 2022/02/07
- 2021 Wetting dynamics in a rectangular channel,Chen Zhao,Tian Yu,Jiajia Zhou,and Masao Doi,Langmuir 2021, 37, 38, 11276–11280
- 2021 The contact angle of an evaporating droplet
of a binary solution on a super wetting surface, Mengmeng
Wu,ab Masao Doiab and
Xingkun Man Soft Matter 17, 7932-7939 (2021)
- 2021 Competition between osmotic squeezing versus
friction-driven swelling of gels, M. Seii, T. Harano, M. Doi and Y. Tanaka, Gels 7, 94 (2021).
- 2021 Elastic Response of Wire Frame Glasses. II.
Three Dimensional Systems David A. King, Masao Doi, and Erika Eiser,J. Chem. Phys. 154, 244905 (2021); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0046525
- 2021 Elastic Response of Wire Frame Glasses. I.
Two Dimensional Model David A. King, Masao Doi, and Erika Eiser, J. Chem.
Phys. 154, 244904 (2021); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0046524
- 2021 Swelling Dynamics of a Disk-Shaped Gel,
Xingkun Man and Masao Doi, Macromolecules 2021, 54, 4626–4632
- 2021 Enhanced electro-actuation in dielectric
elastomers: the non-linear effect of free ions, Bin Zheng,Xingkun
Man,David Andelman,and
Masao Doi ACS Macro Lett. 2021, 10, 498−502, https://doi.org/10.1021/acsmacrolett.1c00045
- 2021 Enhanced Heterogeneous Diffusion of
Nanoparticles in Semiflexible Networks, Ziyang Xu, Xiaobin
Dai, Xiangyu Bu, Ye Yang, Xuanyu
Zhang, Xingkun Man, Xinghua Zhang, Masao Doi, and Li-Tang Yan, ACS Nano https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.0c0887
- 2021 Wetting equilibrium in rectangular channel :
Tian Yu, Qichen Sun, Chen Zhao, Jiajia Zhou,
Masao Doi, Soft Matter 2021, DOI: 10.1039/d0sm01727b
- 2020 Onsager principle in polymer dynamics, Masao
Doi, Progress in Polymer Science 112, 101339 (2020)(a special volumein honor of Guy Berry)
- 2020 Interfacial Interactions During In Situ
Polymer Imbibition in Nanopores, Chien-Hua Tu, Jiajia Zhou, Masao Doi,
Hans-Juergen Butt,and George Floudas Phys. Rev.
Lett. 125, 127802 (2020)
- 2020 Debonding waves in gel thin films Xianmin
Xu, M. Carme Calderer, Masao Doi and Duvan Henao Proc. R. Soc. A 476:
- 2020 Particle shapes leading to Newtonian dilute
suspensions, David A. King, Masao Doi, and Erika Eiser, Phys. Rev. E 102
032615 (2020)
- 2020 Theoretical analysis for flattening of a
rising bubble in a Hele-Shaw cell: an analysis using the Onsager
principle, Xianmin Xu, Masao Doi, Jiajia Zhou and Yana Di, Phys. Fluids
32, 092102 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0016080
- 2020 Universality of Capillary Rising in Corners,
Jiajia Zhou, and Masao Doi, J. Fluid Mech. (2020), vol. 900,
- 2020 Fracture strain of composite with
non-uniformly distributed reinforcing fibers, Tetsuya Yamamoto,Yuichi
Masubuchi, and Masao Doi, J. Rheol.
64, 933–939 (2020)
- 2020 Evaporation-induced alignment of nanorods in
a thin film, Narina Jung,Byung Mook Weon and Masao Doi Soft Matter, 2020,16, 4767-4775
- 2020 Gel dynamics in the mixture of low and high
viscosity solvents -Re-entrant volume change induced by dynamical
asymmetry- Yoshimi Tanaka, Miyu Seii Jize Sui and Masao Doi J. Chem. Phys.152, 184901 (2020);
doi: 10.1063/5.0002266
- 2020 Dynamics of a viscoelastic liquid filament
connected to two mobile droplets, Jiajia Zhou, and Masao Doi, Phys. Fluids
32, 043101 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0004
- 2019 Defect removal by solvent vapor annealing in
thin films of lamellar diblock copolymers
Xinpeng Xu,Xingkun Man,Masao
Doi,Zhong-can Ou-Yang,and
David Andelman Macromolecules 2019, 52, 23, 9321–9333
- 2019 Drying Droplets with Soluble Surfactant, Mengmeng Wu, Yana Di,Xingkun
Man, and Masao Doi Langmuir 2019, 35, 14734-14741
- 2019 Dynamics of Taylor Rising, Tian Yu,Ying Jiang,Jiajia Zhou,and Masao Doi, Langmuir,2019 35 5183-5190,Soft
Matter, 2019, DOI: 10.1039/C8SM02584C
- 2019 Application of Onsager Machlup
integral in solving dynamic equations in non-equilibrium systems, Masao Doi,Jiajia Zhou, Yana Di and Xianmin Xu, Phys. Rev. E
99, 063303 2019
- 2019 Vapor-Induced Motion of Two Pure Liquid Droplets,Yanqing Wen, Paul Y. Kim, Shaowei Shi, Dong
Wang, Xingkun Man, Masao Doi, and Thomas P. Russell,Soft
Matter, 2019, DOI: 10.1039/C8SM02584C
- 2019 Onset of thin film meniscus along a fiber,
Guo, Shuo; Xu, Xianmin; Qian, Tiezheng; Di, Yana; Doi, Masao; Tong,
Penger, JFM 2019 865 650-680 DOI:10.1017/jfm.2019.56
- 2019 Directional freezing of binary colloidal
suspensions: A model for size fractionation of graphene oxide,Xin Xu,Luofu Liu,Jianjun Wang,Jiajia Zhou,Ying Jiang and Masao Doi, Soft Matter, 2019, DOI:
- 2018 Dynamics of Viscoelastic Filaments Based on
Onsager Principle, Jiajia Zhou and Masao Doi, Physical Review F, 3, 084004
1-21 (2018)
- 2018 Dynamics of the floating nematic phase
formation in platelet suspension with thickness polydispersity by
sedimentation, Jize Sui,Masao
Doi and Yiming Ding, Soft Matter, 2018,14, 8956
- 2018 Capillary Imbibition in a Square Tube, Tian Yu,Jiajia Zhou,and Masao
Doi, Soft Matter, 2018, 14, 9263 - 9270
- 2018 Multi-Ring Deposition Pattern of Drying
Droplets Mengmeng Wu,Xingkun
Man,and Masao Doi, Langmuir 2018, 34, 9572−9578
- 2018 Granular chain escape from a pore in a wall
in the presence of particles in one side: Comparison to polymer
translocation, Fereshteh Samadi Taheri, Hossein Fazli, Masao Doi, Mehdi Habibi,Soft
Matter,2018 DOI: 10.1039/C8SM00790J
- 2018 Analysis of thin film dynamics in coating
problems using Onsager principle Yana Di, Xianmin Xu, Jiajia Zhou, Masao
Doi, Chin. Phys. B Vol. 27, No. 2 (2018) 024501
- 2018 Simple model on debonding of soft adhesives,
Tetsuo Yamaguchi, Costantino Creton and Masao
Doi, Soft Matter,
:DOI:10.1039/c8sm00723c (2018)
- 2018 Theory on Capillary Filling of Polymer Melts
in Nanopores, Yang Yao, Hans-Jurgen Butt, George Floudas, Jiajia Zhou, and
Masao Doi Macromol.
Rapid Commun. 2018, 1800087, DOI:
- 2018 Coil-globule transitions drive discontinuous
volume-conserving deformation in locally restrained gels, Tetsuya
Yamamoto, Yuichi Masubuchi,and Masao Doi Nature
Com. (2018) 9:2062
- 2018 Dynamics of liquid crystalline phase
transition in sedimenting platelet-like
particles, Jize Sui, Yiming
Ding, Masao Doi, Soft Matter. 2018, 14,3049-3056. doi: 10.1039/c8sm00254a
- 2018 Translocation of a vesicle through a narrow
hole across a membrane, Petch khunpetch, Xingkun
Man, Toshihiro Kawakatsu, and Masao Doi, J.Chem. Phys. 148, 134901 (2018); doi:
- 2018 Capillary Imbibition of Polymer Mixtures in
Nanopores, Yang Yao, Hans-Juergen Butt, Jiajia Zhou, Masao Doi, and George
Floudas, Macromolecules 2018, 51, 3059−3065 (2018)
- 2018 Capillary Filling in Closed-end Nanotubes, Zao Can, Jiajia Zhou, Masao Doi, Chin. Phys. B Vol.
27, No. 2 (2018) 024701
- 2018 Analysis of thin film dynamics in coating
problems using Onsager principle Yana Di, Xianmin Xu, Jiajia Zhou, Masao
Doi, Chin. Phys. B Vol. 27, No. 2 (2018) 024501
- 2018 Influence of Particulate Thermophoresis on
Convection Heat and Mass Transfer in a Slip Flow of a Viscoelasticity-Based
Micropolar Fluid Jize Sui , Peng Zhao, Zhengdong Cheng , Masao Doi, International Journal of
Heat and Mass Transfer 119 (2018) 40–51
- 2017 Structure formation in soft matter solutions
induced by solvent evaporation, Jiajia Zhou Xingkun Man, Ying Jiang and
Masao Doi, Advanced Materials, DOI: 10.1002/adma.201703769 1703769 (2017)
- 2017 Size Fractionation of Graphene Oxide
Nanosheets via Controlled Directional Freezing, Hongya
Geng, Bowen Yao,Jiajia
Zhou,Kai Liu, Guoying
Bai, Wenbo Li, Yanlin
Song, Gaoquan Shi, Masao Doi,Jianjun
Wang, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 12517−12523, DOI: 10.1021/jacs.7b05490
- 2017 Shear induced formation of lubrication
layers of negative normal stress gels, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Yuichi Masubuchi, and Masao Doi, Soft Matter, Soft Matter
- 2017 Relaxation dynamics of the normal stress of
polymer gels, Tetsuya Yamamoto,Yuichi Masubuchi, Masao Doi, Macromolecules, 50 pp 5208–5213 (2017)
- 2017 Vapour-Induced
Motion of Liquid Droplets on an Inert Substrate Xingkun Man, and Masao Doi Phys. Rev. Lett., 119, 044502 1-5 (2017)
- 2017 Deposition Patterns of Two Neighbouring Droplets:Onsager
Variational Principle Studies, Shiyuan Hu,Yuhan
Wang, Xingkun Man and Masao Doi, Langmuir, 33 5965-5972 (2017)
- 2017 Separation of Propeller-like Particles by
Shear and Electric Field, M. Makino and M. Doi, Phys. Rev. F, 2, 064303
- 2017 Large network swelling and solvent
redistribution are necessary for gels to show negative normal stress,
Tetsuya Yamamoto, Yuichi Masubuchi, and Masao
Doi, ACS Macro Lett. 2017, 6, 512−514
- 2017 Cross-interaction drives stratification in
drying film of binary colloidal mixtures, Jiajia Zhou, Ying Jiang,and Masao Doi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 108002
- 2016 Porosity governs normal stresses in polymer
gels Henri C. G. de Cagny, Bart E. Vosb, Mahsa Vahabic, Nicholas A. Kurniawanb,
Masao Doi, Gijsje H. Koenderink,
Fred C. MacKintosh, and Daniel Bonn, Phys. Rev.
Lett. 117, 217802 1-5 (2016)
- 2016 A Principle in Dynamic Coarse Graining -
Onsager Principle and its Applications -, Masao Doi, DOI 10.1140/epjst/e2016-60128-5,
EPJE (2016)
- 2016 Separation of Chiral Particles in a Rotating
Electric Field, Masao Doi and Masato Makino, Phys. Fluids 28, 093302
- 2016 Skin Formation in Drying a Film of Soft
Matter Solutions -Application of Solute Based Lagrangian
Scheme, Ling Luo, Fanlong
Meng, Junying Zhang, and Masao Doi, Chinese Phys. B, 25 076801-5 (2016)
- 2016 Variational method for contact line problems
in sliding liquids Xianmin Xu and Yana Di, Masao Doi, Phys. Fluids, 28
087101 (2016)
- 2016 Instability of liquids in flexible fiber
brushes under applied pressure, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Qingan
Meng, Huan Li, Lei Jiang and Masao Doi, Langmuir 32, 3262-3268 (2016)
- 2016 Coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation
of filled polymer nanocomposites, Hagita Katsumi; Morita Hiroshi; Doi
Masao; Takano Hiroshi, Macromolecules
49, 1972−1983
- 2016 Solute based Lagrangian
scheme in modeling the drying process of soft matter solutions, Fanlong Meng, Ling Luo, Masao Doi,
and Zhongcan Ouyang, Eur.
Phys. J. E 39, 22 1-10 (2016)
- 2016 Theoretical Analysis for Meniscus Rise of a
Liquid Contained between a Flexible Film and a Solid Wall Yana Di, Xianmin
Xu and Masao Doi, EPL 113
36001 1-4 (2016)
- 2016 Ring to Mountain Transition in Deposition
Pattern of Drying Droplets,
Xingkun Man and Masao Doi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 066101 (2016)
- 2016 Bio-inspired flexible fiber brushes that keep
liquids in a controlled manner by closing their ends, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Qingan Meng, Qianbin Wang,
Huan Liu, Lei Jiang, and Masao Doi, NPG Asia Materials 8, e241 1-8 (2016)
- 2016
The 'Coin-through-the rubber' trick: an elastically stabilized
invagination, Peter Palffy-Muhoray,Fanlong Meng, Masao Doi,Zhongcan
Ouyang, Xiaoyu Zheng, Journal of
Elasticity, 123:43–57 (2016)
- 2015 Contact angle saturation in electrowetting:
Injection of ions into the surrounding media, Tetsuya Yamamoto,Masao
Doi and David Andelman, 112 (2015) 56001- p1-p6
- 2015 The Phase diagram and radial collapsing of
an inflated soft tube under twist Fanlong Meng, Jeff. Z. Y. Chen, Masao Doi,and Zhongcan Ouyang,
Soft matter, 11, 7046-7052
- 2015 Underlying Mechanism of Inkjet Printing of
Uniform Organic Semiconductor Films through Antisolvent Crystallization,
Yuki Noda,Hiromi Minemawari,
Hiroyuki Matsui, Toshikazu Yamada, Shunto Arai,Tadashi
Kajiya, Masao Doi,Tatsuo Hasegawa, Advanced
Functional Materials, 25, 4022–4031 (2015)
- 2015 Fluid Transport in Gels, Masao Doi,Oxford Handbook of Soft Condensed Matter,Oxford University Press, , ed E.M.Terentjev and D.A.Weitz,
p451-474 (2015)
- 2015 Onsager principle as a tool for
approximation, Masao Doi, Chinese Physics B, 24,020505 1-6 (2015)
- 2015 A Tribute to Professor Sir Sam Edwards
(1928-2015), Masao Doi Rheology Bulletin, 84(2) July 16-17 2015
- 2014 Preparation of patterned ultrathin polymer
films, Huige Yang, Meng Su,
Kaiyong Li, Lei Jiang, Yanlin
Song, Masao Doi, and Jianjun Wang. Langmuir, 30,
9436-9441 (2014)
- 2014 Cavitation in drying a droplet of soft
matter solutions, Fanlong Meng, Masao Doi, Zhongcan
Ouyang, Phys. Rev. Lett, 113 098301 1-5, (2014)
- 2014 Electrochemical mechanism of ion current
rectification of polyelectrolyte gel diodes, Tetsuya Yamamoto and Masao
Doi, Nature communications (DOI: 10.1038/ncomms5162) (2014)
- 2014 Phase diagrams and interface in inflating
balloon, Fanlong Meng, Jeff Z. Y. Chen, Masao Doi, and Zhongcan
Ouyang, AICheJ 64 1393-1399 (2014)
- 2014 Preparation of Patterned Ultrathin Polymer
Films Huige Yang,Meng Su,Kaiyong Li, Lei Jiang,Yanlin
Song,Masao Doi,and Jianjun Wang. Langmuir, 30, 9436?9441 (2014)
- 2014 Cavitation in drying a droplet of soft
matter solutions, Fanlong Meng, Masao Doi, Zhongcan
Ouyang, Phys. Rev. Lett, 113 098301 1-5, (2014)
- 2014 Electrochemical mechanism of ion current
rectification of polyelectrolyte gel diodes, Tetsuya Yamamoto and Masao
Doi, Nature communications (DOI: 10.1038/ncomms5162) (2014)
- 2014 Phase diagrams and interface in inflating
balloon, Fanlong Meng, Jeff Z. Y. Chen, Masao Doi, and Zhongcan
Ouyang, AICheJ 64 1393-1399 (2014)
- 2013 Frictional property of hydrogels prepared
under electric fields, Ryuji Suzuki, Tetsuo Yamaguchi, Masao Doi, J. Phys.
Soc. Jpn, 82 124803 1-5 (2013)
- 2013 Soft Matter Physics, Masao Doi, Oxford
University Press (2013) 1-257
- 2013 Anomalous Drying Dynamics of a Polymer
Solution on a Substrate Shunto Arai and Masao Doi, Eur. Phys.J.
E 36: 63 1-6 (2013)
- 2013 Electro-mechanical coupling in ionic gels,
Masao Doi, Katsunori Takahashi, Takashi Yonemoto and Tatsuya Yamaue,
Reactive and Functional Polymers,
vol 73 891-893 (2013)
- 2012 Asymmetry-symmetry transition of
double-sided adhesive tapes, Tetsuo Yamaguchi, Hiroyuki Muroo, Yutaka Sumino, and Masao Doi, Phys. Rev. E 85,
061802 1-6 (2012)
- 2012 Skin formation and bubble growth during
drying process of polymer solution, Shunto Arai and Masao Doi, Eur. Phys.
J.E. 35 57 1-9 (2012)
- 2012 Onsager's variational principle in soft
matter dynamics, Masao Doi, Non-Equilibrium Soft Matter Physics
ed S. Komura and T. Ohta, World
Scientific, 1-35 (21012)
- 2012 Transition of rolling behavior of
viscoelastic fluid in a rotating cylinder, Yutaka Sumino, Hiroki
Shibayama,. Tetsuo Yamaguchi, Tadashi Kajiya, and Masao Doi Phys Rev E 85,
046307 1-6 (2012)
- 2012 Local conformation and relaxation of
polystyrene at surface interface, Hirofumi Tsuruta, Yoshihisa Fujii, Naoki
Kai, Hiroshi Kataoka,Takashi Ishizone,
Masao Doi, Hiroshi Morita and Keiji Tanaka, Macromolecules 45 4643-4649
- 2011 Gutenberg-Richter's law in sliding friction of gels, T.
Yamaguchi, M. Masao Doi, T.Hori, H.Sakaguchi, and J. Ampuero,
J. Geophysical research. 116, B12306 1-8 (2011)
- 2011 Measurement of the skin layer in the drying
process of a polymer solution Y. Shimokawa, T.
Kajiya, K. Sakai, and M. Doi, Phys. Rev. E 84 051803 1-9 (2011)
- 2011 Fluid transport in ionic gels - electro-diffusio-mechanical coupling -, Masao Doi, to be
published in Oxford Handbook of Soft Condensed Matter, Oxford
University Press, submitted on 2011/02/05
- 2011 Dynamics of Drying Process of Polymer
Solution Droplets: Analysis of Polymer Transport and Control of Film
Profiles, Tadashi Kajiya. and Masao Doi, Feature article in Journal
of the Society of Rheology Japan, 39 17-28 (2011)
- 2011 Onsager's variational principle in soft
matter, Masao Doi, J. Phys. Cond Matt. 23 284118 (2011) .
- 2010 Observation of Spatio-temporal
Structure in Stick-slip Motion of an Adhesive Gel-sheet, Masatoshi Morishita, Masaru Kobayashi, Tetsuo Yamaguchi, and
Masao Doi J. Phys. Condens Matter 22
365104 1-6 (2010)
- 2010 A simple model on debonding of soft
adhesives, Tetsuo Yamaguchi, Costantino Creton
and Masao Doi, submitted EPJE
- 2010 Effects of Gelation on the Evaporation Rate
of Polymer Solutions, Tohru Okuzono Naoto Aoki,
Tadashi Kajiya, and Masao Doi J. Phys. Soc. Jpn
79 094801 (2010)
- 2010 Controlling Profiles of Polymer Dots via
Switching between Evaporation and Condensation Tadashi Kajiya, Wataru Kobayashi, Tohru Okuzono,
and Masao Doi, Langmuir, 26, 10429-10432 (2010)
- 2010 Friction Control of a Gel by Electric Field
in Ionic Surfactant Solution Masakazu Takata Tetsuo Yamaguchi Masao Doi J.
Phys. Soc. Jpn Letters, 79 063602/1-3
(2010), an "Editor's choice" paper
- 2010 Interference effects in the drying of
polymer droplets on substrate Masaru Kobayashi, Masato Makino, Tohru Okuzono, and Masao Doi, J. Phys. Soc. Japan, 79
044802/1-6 ( 2010)
- 2009 Controlling the drying and film forming
process of polymer solution droplets with small addition of surfactant
Tadashi Kajiya, Wataru Kobayashi, Tohru Okuzono, and Masao Doi J. Phys. Chem. B 113, 15460-15466 (2009)
- 2009 Electric field effect on the sliding
friction of a charged gel, Masakazu Takata, Tetsuo Yamaguchi, Jian Ping
Gong, and Masao Doi, J. Phys. Soc.. Jpn,
78, 084602 (2009),
- 2009 Effect of the contact line motion in the
adhesion of very soft sphere, Yoshihiro Morishita,
Hiroshi Morita, Masao Doi, J. Phys. Soc.. Jpn,
78 114802 1-6 (2009)
- 2009 Final shape of a drying thin film,
Tohru Okuzono, Masaru Kobayashi, and Masao Doi,
Phys. Rev. E 80, 021603 (2009)
- 2009 Contact line recession leaving a macroscopic
polymer film in the drying droplets of water-PDMA solution, Tadashi
Kajiya, Cecile Monteux, Tetsuharu Narita, Francois Lequeux,
and Masao Doi, Langmuir , 25 6934-6939 (2009)
- 2009 Gel Dynamics, Masao Doi, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 78 052001 (2009)
- 2009 Regular to chaotic transition of stick-slip
motion in sliding friction of an adhesive gel-sheet Tetsuo Yamaguchi,
Satoshi Ohmata, and Masao Doi , J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 21 205105 (2009) .
- 2009 Interfacial Mobility of Polymers on
Inorganic Solids Keiji Tanaka, Yohei Tateishi, Yohei Okada, and
Toshihiko Nagamura Masao Doi and Hiroshi Morita,
J. Phys. Chem. B 113 4571-4577 (2009)
- 2009 Coarse-grained Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Study of Nanorheology and Nanotribology, Hiroshi
Morita, Ken Nakajima, Toshio Nishi, Masao Doi, Journal of the Society of
Rheology 37 105-111 (2009)
- 2009 Slippage of a droplet of polymer solution on
a glass substrate Hiroshi Morita, Simone Plog,
Tadashi Kajiya, and Masao Doi, JPSJ 78, 014804-1 4 (2009)
- 2009 Film Formation Kinetics in the Drying
Process of Polymer Solution Enclosed by Bank, Youngki
Jung, Tadashi Kajiya, Tatsuya Yamaue and Masao
Doi, JJAP 48 031502 (2009)
- 2008 Dynamical visualization of ”coffee stain phenomenon” in droplets of polymer solution via
fluorescent microscopy Tadashi Kajiya, Daisaku
Kaneko, and Masao Doi, Langmuir, 24 12369-12374 (2008)
- 2008 Three-dimensional visualization of a single
block copolymer in lamellar nanodomains, Hiroshi Morita, Toshihiro Kawakatsu, Masao Doi, Toshio Nishi and Hiroshi Jinnai,
Macromolecules, 41 4845-4849 (2008)
- 2008 Shear Migration of Chiral Particle in
Parallel-disk Masato Makino, Leo Arai Masao Doi J. Phys. Soc. Jpn, 77, 064404, 1-4 (2008)
- 2008 Contace dynamics
in the adhesion process between spherical PDMS rubber and glass substrate,
Yoshihiro Morishita, Hiroshi Morita, Daisaku Kaneko, Masao Doi, Langmuir 24
14059-14065 (2008)
- 2008 Electrokinetic boundary condition compatible
with the Onsager reciprocal relation in the thin double layer approximation,
Masao Doi and Masato Makino, J. Chem. Phys.128 044715(1-9) (2008)
- 2008 In-situ observation of lubrication dynamics
between rubber and glass substrate Daisaku
Kaneko1, Masaru Kobayashi, Masaki Oshikawa,
Hiroshi Morita1 and Masao Doi J. Phys. Soc. Jpn
77 014602-014606 (2008)
- 2008 Effects of elasticity on drying processes of
polymer solutions Tohru
Okuzono, Masao Doi, Phys. Rev. E 77 030501-4
- 2008 Dissipative particle dynamics study for the
phase separated structures of polymer thin film caused by solvent
evaporation Hiroshi Morita, Taku Ozawa, Naoki
Kobayashi, Hiroo Fukunaga, Masao Doi,
Journal of the Society of Rheology 36 93-98 (2008)
- 2007 Friction coefficient between rubber and
solid substrate -Effect of rubber thickness - Daisuke Kaneko, Masaki Oshikawa, Tetsuo Yamaguchi, Jian Ping Gong and Masao
Doi, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn,76 043601-3 (2007)
- 2007 Sheet-type Braille displays by integrating
organic field-effect transistors and polymeric actuators Yusaku Kato,
Tsuyoshi Sekitani, Makoto Takamiya,
Masao Doi, Kinji Asaka, Takayasu Sakurai, and
Takao Someya, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 54, No. 2,
202-209, (2007).
- 2007 Simulation of DNA motion in microchannels
using stochastic rotation dynamics, Nobuhiko Watari,
Masato Makino, Norio Kikuchi, Ronald G. Larson and Masao Doi, J. Chem.
Phys. 126, 094902 1-7 (2007)
- 2007 Molecular dynamics study of the adhesion
between end-grafted polymer films II-Effect of grafting density- Hiroshi
Morita, Haruki Miura, Masamichi Yamada, Tetsuo
Yamaguchi, and Masao Doi, Polymer J 39 73-80 (2007)
- 2007 In-situ stereoscopic observation of dynamic
fracture in soft adhesives Tetsuo Yamaguchi, Keisuke Koike and Masao Doi
Euro Phys. Lett. 77, 64002 (2007)
- 2007 Analytical Solution for the Deformation of A
Thin Neo-Hookean Material Confined between Two Rigid Plates, Masao
Doi and Tetsuo Yamaguchi, J. NonNewtonian
Fluid Mech. J. NonNewtonian Fluid Mech, 145
52-56 (2007)
- 2006 Debonding dynamics of pressure-sensitive
adhesives:3D block model,Tetsuo Yamaguchi and
Masao Doi, Euro Phys. J. E 21 331-339 (2006)
- 2006 A simple model of skin formation caused by
solvent evaporation in polymer solutions T. Okuzono,
K. Ozawa and M. Doi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 136103 (2006)
- 2006 Diffusion process during drying to cause the
skin formation in polymer solutions, Kinya
Ozawa, Tohru Okuzono and Masao Doi, Jpn J. Appl. Phys. 11 8817-8822 (2006)
- 2006 Anomalous Orientation of Dipolar Particle in
Shear and Magnetic Field, Masato Makino, Hideaki Koda and Masao Doi, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn
75 064714 1-4 (2006)
- 2006 Modeling on Debonding Dynamics of Pressure
Sensitive Adhesives, Tetsuo Yamaguchi, Hiroshi Morita, and Masao Doi Euro
Physics J E 20, 7-17 (2006)
- 2006 Study of the Glass Transition Temperature of
Polymer Surface by Coarse-grained Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Hiroshi
Morita,1 Keiji Tanaka, Tisato Kajiyama, Toshio Nishi and Masao Doi
Macromolecules, 39 6233-6237 (2006)
- 2006 Piling to buckling transition in the drying
process of polymer solution drop on substrate having large contact angle,
Tadashi Kajiya, Eisuke Nishitani,
Tatsuya Yamaue and Masao Doi, Phys. Rev. E 73,
011601/1-5 (2006)
- 2005 Molecular dynamics study of the adhesion
between end-grafted polymer films, Hiroshi Morita, Masamichi
Yamada, Tetsuo Yamaguchi, Masao Doi, Polymer J. 37, 782-788 (2005).
- 2005 Migration of twisted ribbon-like particles
in simple shear flow, Masato Makino and Masao Doi, Phys. Fluid 17
103605/1-103605/7 (2005)
- 2005 Calculation of the micellar structure of
polymer surfactant based on the density functional theory Takashi Uneyama
and Masao Doi, Macromolecules, 38, 5817-5825 (2005)
- 2005 Variational bounds for the relaxation times
of swelling gels, Masao Doi and Tatsuya Yamaue,
Phys. Rev. E 71, 041404 (2005)
- 2005 Density functional theory for block
copolymer melts and blends, Takashi Uneyama and Masao Doi,
Macromolecules, 38 196-205 (2005)
- 2005 Stress diffusion coupling in the swelling
dynamics of cylindrical gels Tatsuya-Yamaue,and
Masao Doi J. Chem.Phys. 122 084703 (2005)
- 2005 Sedimentaion of
particles of general shape Masao Doi and Masato Makino Phys. Fluid
17 043601/1-7 (2005)
- 2005 Motion of microparticles of complex shape,
Masao Doi and Masato Makino, 17 Prog. Polymer Sci. Prog. Polym. Sci. 30 876-884 (2005)
- 2005 Modeling the drying process of liquid
droplet to form thin film, Kin'ya Ozawa,Eisuke Nishitani and
Masao Doi, Jpn J. Appl. Phys. 44, 4229-4234
- 2005 Electro stress diffusion coupling model for
polyelectrolyte gels, Tatsuya Yamaue,Hiroto Mukai,Kinji Asaka and Masao
Doi, Macromolecules, 38 1349-1356 (2005)
- 2004 Stochastic simulation of
viscoelasticity and phase separation of polymer liquids, Yuichi Masubuchi, Masao Doi, Francesco Greco, Giovanni
Ianniruberto and Giuseppe Marrucci,
Computational Modeling and Simulation of Materials, part B 19-26 (2004)
- 2004 Adaptive shape reconfiguration of a
decentralized motile system exlploiting
molecular dynamics and Stokesian dynamics
methods, Masahiro Shimizu, Akio Ishiguro, Masayasu
Takahashi, Toshihiro Kawakatsu, Yuichi Masubuchi and Masao Doi, Journal of Robotics and
Mechanics, 16 3 271-277 (2004)
- 2004 Modeling of the STP method in the new
LSI fabrication process I -the film transfer process - Takashi Taniguchi
and Masao Doi, Jpn J. Appl. Phys. 43 6968-6973
- 2004 Viscoelasticity of dilute solutions of
particles of general shape, Masato Makino and Masao Doi, J.Phys. Soc. Jpn 73
3020-3025 (2004)
- 2004 Brownian motion of a particle of general
shape in Newtonian fluid, Masato Makino and Masao Doi, J.Phys.
Soc. Jpn 73 2739-2745 (2004)
- 2004 Phase separated structure in a binary blend
of diblock copolymers under external force field
- helical domain structure- Hiroshi Morita, Toshihiro Kawakatsu,
Masao Doi, Daisuke Yamaguchi, Mikihito Takenaka and Takeji
Hashimoto, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 73 1371-1374 (2004)
- 2004 Molecular dynamics simulation study on the
phase behavior of the Gay-Berne model with a terminal dipole and a flexible
tail, Hiroo Fukunaga, Jun-ichi
Takimoto and Masao Doi J. Chem Phys. 120
7792-7800 (2004)
- 2004 Swelling dynamics of constrained thin-plate
gels under an external force, Tatsuya Yamaue and
Masao Doi, Phys. Rev. E 70 11401 (7) (2004)
- 2004 Study of nanorheology
and nanotribology by coarse grained molecular dynamics simulation
Hiroshi Morita, Takayuki Ikehara, Toshio Nishi
and Masao Doi, Polymer J. 36 265-269 (2004)
- 2004 Theory of one-dimensional swelling dynamics
of polymer gels under mechanical constraint Tatsuya Yamaue and Masao Doi, Phys. Rev. E 69 010402(5) (2004)
- 2003 Challenges in polymer physics, Masao Doi,
Pure Appl Chem. 75 10 1395-1402 (2003)
- 2003 Self-consistent field theory of viscoelastic
behaviour of inhomogeneous dense polymer systems
Shima, H. Kuni, Y.
Okabe, M. Doi, X-F. Yuan and T. Kawakatsu, ,
Macromolecules, 36(24), 9199 (2003).
- 2003 Sedimentation of a particle with
translation-rotation coupling Masato Makio and
Masao Doi, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 72
- 2003 Molecular modeling of entanglement, Masao
Doi and Jun-ichi Takimoto,
Phil. Trans. Roy Soc Lond A (2003) 361
- 2003 2DFlow Analysis of Film Casting Process
Hisahiro Ito, Masao Doi, Takeharu Isaki, Masaaki Takeo and Kazuo Yagi, J. Soc. Rheol. Jpn 31 149-155 (2003)
- 2003 A Model of Neck-in Phenomena in Film Casting
Process, Hisahiro Ito, Masao Doi, Takeharu
Isaki, Masaaki Takeo, J. Soc. Rheol. Jpn 31 157-163 (2003)
- 2002 Simulation of particles in
a binary mixture Masato Makino,TakashiTaniguchi
and Masao Doi Proc.International
Conference on Adv. Polymers and Processing ICAPP 2001
171-177, (2002)
- 2002 A New Method to Analyse the Neck-in Phenomenon in the Film Casting
Process H.Ito,M.Doi,T.Isaki
and M.Takeo Proc.International Conference on Adv. Polymers and
Processing ICAPP 2001 YONEZAWA 141-145
- 2002 Primitive Chain Network Siimulation of Entangled Polymers under Large
Deformations Yuichi Masubuchi,Masao
Doi Proc.International
Conference on Adv. Polymers and Processing ICAPP 2001 YONEZAWA
- 2002 Coarse-Grained Molecular
Dynamics Study of Polymer Blend at Interface Takeshi Aoyagi,Jun-ichi Takimoto and
Masao Doi Proc.International
Conference on Adv. Polymers and Processing ICAPP 2001 YONEZAWA
217-223 (2002)
- 2002 Dynamical Mean Field
Calculation of Polymerization-Induced Phase Separation T.Honda,T.Kawakatsu,and M.Doi
Proc.International Conference on Adv. Polymers
and Processing ICAPP 2001 YONEZAWA 224-230
- 2002 Dynamics of Diblock Copolymer Melts under Electric
Fields akahiro Yukimura,Takashi Taniguchi,and
Masao Doi Proc.International
Conference on Adv. Polymers and Processing ICAPP 2001
237-243 (2002)
- 2002 Self-Consistent Field
Approach to Polymer Interfaces in Polydisperse System Katsuyuki Yokomizo,Hiroya Kodama,Takashi Honda,Takeshi
Aoyagi,Toshihiro Kawakatsu
and Masao Doi Proc.International
Conference on Adv. Polymers and Processing ICAPP 2001
231-236 (2002)
- 2002 Platform for Designing
High Functional Materials M.Doi
,T.Aoyagi,H.Fukunaga Proc.International Conference on Adv. Polymers and
Processing ICAPP 2001 YONEZAWA 129-133 , (2002)
- 2002 A coarse-graining
procedure for flexible polymer chains with bonded and nonbonded
interactions Hiroo Fukunaga,
Jun-ichi Takimoto,
Masao Doi J. Chem.
Phys. 116(18) 8183-8190 (2002)
- 2002 A general -purpose
coarse-grained molecular dynamics program T. Aoyagi, F.Sawa, T.Shoji, H.
Fukunaga, J. Takimoto , M.Doi
Computer Physics Communications 2002
145 267-279
- 2002 Competition between
Micro-and macrophase Separations in a Binary
Mixture of Block Copolymers. A Dynamic Density functional Study
Hiroshi Morita, Toshihiro Kawakatsu, Masao Doi,
Daisuke Yamaguchi, Mikihito Takenaka
and Takeji Hashimoto
Macromolecules 2002
- 2002 Microstructural studyof mechaniacal pproperties of the ABA triblock copolymer using
self-consistent field and molecular dynamics T.Aoyagi, T.Honda, M.Doi, J. Chem.
Phys. 2002 117
- 2002 Relaxation of a tethered
polymer using dynamic mean field calculation Kenji Ffuruichi,Chisato Nonomura,Toshihiro
Kawakatsu,Masao Doi J. Chem.
Phys. 2002 117
- 2002 Material modeling
platform Masao Doi J.Computational
and Applied Mathematics 2002
149 13-25
- 2002 Dynamic Simulation of Diblock Copolymer Films under
Electric T.Yukimura,T.Taniguchi,M.Doi
APS 2002 123
- 2001 Response Properties of
Immiscible Polymer Blend Electrorheological Fluids
Hiroshi Orihara, Naoya
Miwa, and Masao Doi and Akio Inoue J. Rheol. 2001
45(3) 773-781
- 2001 Prediction of the
rheological properties of polymers using a stochastic
simulation Hiroyasu Tasaki, Jun-ichi
Takimoto Masao Doi Computer
Physics Communications 2001
142 136-139
- 2001 Effects of A-B Block
Copolymer Additives on Interfacial Tension of A/B Polymer Blends Near the
Critical Temperature:Comparison of Mean-Field
Calculations with Experiments Takuhei
Nose, Katsuhiro Inomata, Horoshi Morita,
Toshihiro kawakatsu, Masao Doi
2001 202(9)
- 2001 Dynamic Density Functional
Study on the Structure of Thin Polymer Blend Films with a Free Surface
Hiroshi Morita,Toshihiro kawakatsu,
and Masao Doi Macromolecules
2001 34
- 2001 Derivation of
coarse-grained potential for polyethylene HirooFukunaga,Takashi AoyagiJ.TakimotoM.Doi
Computer Physics Communications 2001
142 224-226
- 2001 Deviations from Dynamic
Dilution in the Terminal Relaxation of Star Polymers S.Shanbhag, R.G. Larson, J.Takimoto
M.Doi Phys. Rev.Lett. 2001
5(19) 195502-1
- 2001 Molecular dynamics study
of polymer melt confined between walls T.Aoyagi, J.Takimoto, M.Doi, J. Chem.
Phys. 2001 115(1)
- 2000 Hierarchical model in
multiphase flow Tohru Okuzono,
Hirohisa Shibuya, and Masao Doi Physcal Review E
2000 61(4) 4100-4106
- 2000 Micelle Formation in
Triblock Copolymer Solutions Katsuharu
Monzen, Toshihiro Kawakatsu,
Masao Doi and Ryuichi Hasegawa Computational and
Theoretical Polymer Science 2000
10 275-280
- 2000 Molecular Dynamics
Simulation of Entangled Polymer Takeshi Aoyagi and Masao
Doi Computational and Theoretical Polymer
Science (2000) 10
- 1999 A General approach for
modeling complex fluids - its application to concentrated drops under
shear Xue-Feng Yuan and Masao Doi J.
Col. Int Sci. 1999
144 305-318
- 1999 Computer Simulation for
Polymers Masao Doi Springer New
Aspects of Macromolecular Science and Engineering ed by Y.
Tanabe 1999
- 1999 Mesoscopic Models for
Polymer Dynamics Ryuichi Hasegawa and Masao
Doi "The Physics of Complex Liquids, ed F. Yonezawa, K.Tsuji, K. Kaji, M. Doi and T. Fujiwara World
1999 199-213
- 1999 Molecular motion of long
deoxyribonucleic acid chains in a concentrated polymer solution depending
on the frequency of alternating electric field Masanori
Ueda, Kenichi Yoshikawa and Masao Doi Polymer
J 1999 31 637-644
- 1999 Microstructure and
Viscosity of Aggregating Colloids under Strong Shearing
Flow D. Chen and M. Doi J. Col and
Int. Sci. 1999 212
- 1998 High Speed Separation of
Linear and Supercoiled DNA by Capillary Electrophoresis. Buffer,
Entangling Polyymer and Electric Field
Effect H. Oana, R.W. Hammond,
J.J. Schwinefus, Shau-Chun
Wang, M. Doi, M.D. Morris Anal.Chem.
1998 70
- 1998 Electrophoresis of Long
DNA Molecules in Linear Polyacrylamide Solutions
Masanori Ueda, Hidehiro Oana,
Yoshinobu Baba, Masao Doi and Kenichi Yoshikawa
Biophysical Chemistry 1998
71 113-123
- 1998 A Molecular Theory for
Fast Flows of Entangled Polymers D.W.Mead,
R.G. Larson and M. Doi Macromolecules
1998 31 No 22
- 1998 Molecular dynamics
simulation of polymer film Makoto Ito, Mitsuhiro Matsumoto and Masao
Doi Fluid Phase Equilibria
1998 144 395-401
- 1998 Transient response of
electrorheological effect to a step field in an immiscible polymer blend:
first mode in type I blend Kozo Tajiri, Hiroshi Orihara, Yoshihiro Ishibashi and Masao
Doi J.Rheol
1998 42(5)
- 1997 Friction in Strongly
Confined Polymer Melts- Effect of Polymer Bridges A. Subbotin, A. Semenov and M. Doi Physcal Review E
1997 56
- 1997 Viscosity equation for
concentrated suspension of charged colloidal particles
A. Ogawa, H. Yamada, S. Matsuda, K. Okajima and
M. Doi J. Rheology
1997 41 769-785
- 1997 Dynamics of Domains and Textures
Masao Doi Theoretical Challenges in the Dynamics of
Complex Fluids ed by T.C.B. McLeish,
1997 Kluwer academic publisher 293-314
- 1997 Electrorheological effect
in immiscible polymer blends Kozo Tajiri, Keiichi Ohta, Hiroshi Orihara,
Yoshihiro Ishibashi Masao Doi J.
Rheology 1997 41
- 1997 Adsorption Dynamics
-Extension of the Self-Consistent Field Theory to Dynamical
Problems Ryuuichi Hasegawa and
Masao Doi Macromolecules
1997 30 3086-3089
- 1997 Dynamical Mean Field
Calculation of Grafting Reaction of End-functionalized
Polymer Ryuichi Hasegawa and Masao Doi
Macromolecules 1997
30 5490-5493
- 1997 Dielectric Properties of
an Immiscible Polymer Blend with Electrorheological
Effect H. Orihara, M. Sugaya, K. Tajiri, Y. Ishibashi, M. Doi A.
Inoue J. Phys. Soc.Jpn
1997 67 (2)
- 1997 Brownian Dynamics
Simulation of Biased Sinusoidal Field Gel
Electrophoresis Yuichi Masubuchi,
Hidehiro Oana, Mitsuhiro
Matsumoto and Masao Doi Macromolecules
1997 30
- 1997 Reorientation of Large DNA
Molecules in Concentrated Polyacrylamide Solution during Crossed Field
Electrophoresis Hidehiro Oana, Masao Doi, Masanori Ueda and Kenichi
Yoshikawa Electrophoresis
1997 18 1912-1915
- 1997 Stretching of Long DNA
under AC Electric Field in a Concentrated Polymer
Solution Masanori Ueda, Kenichi Yoshikawa and Masao
Doi Polymer J 1997
29 1040-1043
- 1997 The Physical Properties of
a Side-Chain Type PolySiloxane
Liquid-Crystalline Polymer with Electro Rheological
Effect Kozo Tajiri, Masaru Sugaya,
Tomoyuki Nagaya, Hiroshi Orihara, Yoshihiro
Ishibashi, Masao Doi Mol. Cryst.
Liq. Cryst.
1997 299 205-210
- 1996 The Physical Properties of
a Side Chain Type Polysiloxane Liquid
Crystalline Polymer with Electrorheological Effect K.Tajiri, M.Sugaya,T.Nagaya,
H.Orihara,Y.Ishibashi and M.Doi
Proceeding of Int. Liquid Crystal Conference 1996
- 1996 Mean Field Monte Carlo
Methods: Application to Nematic Transitions Toshihiko
Maeda and Masao Doi J. Phys. Soc. Jpn
1996 65 2895-2899
- 1996 Optimum Graft Density for
Dispersing Particles in Polymer Melts Ryuichi Hasegawa,
Yuji Aoki and Masao Doi Macromolecules
1996 29 6656-6662
- 1996 Conformational Dynamics of
DNA during Biased Sinsoidal Field Gel
Electrophoresis Y. Masubuchi,
H. Oana, M. Matsumoto, M. Doi and K.
Yoshikawa Electrophoresis
1996 17 1065-1074
- 1996 Motion of Large DNA
Molecules Traveling from Solution to Gel under Steady
Field. Hidehiro Oana,Yuichi Masubuchi,
Mitsuhiro Matsumoto, Masao Doi and Kenichi Yoshikawa J.
Polymer Sci. 1996 34
- 1996 Shear Induced Instability
of Lamellar Phase of Block Copolymer Hiroya
Kodama and Masao Doi Macromolecules
1996 29 2652-2658
- 1996 The Effect of Added
Triblock Copolymer on the Nonlinear Rheology of Ordered Diblock Copolymer Mesophases James
L. Harden and Masao Doi J. Rheology
1996 40 187-197
- 1995 Introduction to Polymer
Physics Masao Doi Oxford University
Press 1995
1-120 translated by Howard See EB
- 1995 DNA motion during gel
electrophoresis-direct observation Yuichi Masubuchi, Hidehiro Oana, Mitsuhiro Matsumoto and Masao
Doi Computational Physics as a New Frontier in Condensed
Matter Research, ed H.Takayama et al, The Phys.
Soc. Jpn
1995 347-354
- 1995 Dynamics of a DNA molecule
hanging over an obstacle in gel electrophoresis Yuichi Masubuchi, Hidehiro Oana, Takako Akiyama, Mitsuhiro Matsumoto and Masao
Doi J. Phys. Soc. Jpn
1995 64 1412-1420
- 1995 Hysteresis and incubation
in the dynamics of volume transition of spherical gels
Tsutomu Tomari and Masao Doi
Macromolecules 1995
28 8334-8343
- 1995 The Effect of Rodlike
Particles in Semi-dilute Suspensions under Shear Flow
Yuichi Yamane, Yukio Kaneda and Masao Doi J. Phys. Soc.
Japan 1995 64
- 1994 Rheology of
Polymer Masao Doi, James L. Harden and Takao
Oota Ordering in Macromolecular Systems ed A. Teramoto and M. Kobayashi and T.Norisue
1994 225-240
- 1994 Direct Observation of the
Coil-Globule Transition in DNA Molecules K.Minagawa, Y.Matsuzawa, K.Yoshikawa, A.R. Khokhlov
and Masao Doi Biopolymers
1994 34
- 1994 Electric Current Response
of an Electro-Rheological Fluid Consisting of Monodisperse Silica
Particles and Silicon Oil T.Nagaya,
N.Fujimoto, T. Miki, H.Orihara
Y.Ishibashi ans M.Doi J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 1994
63 2581-2591
- 1994 Experimental Tests of the
Scaling Relation for Textured Materials in Mixtures of Two Immiscible
Fluids Yoshiaki Takahashi, Naoki Kurashima,
Ichiro Noda and Masao Doi J. Rheology
1994 38
- 1994 Microdomain Structures in
Polyelectrolyte Systems - Calculation of the Phase Diagrams by Direct
Minimization of the Free Energy Irina A. Nyrkova, Alexei R. Khokhlov
and Masao Doi Macromolecules
1994 27
- 1994 Numerical Simulation of a
Concentrated Suspension of Rodlike Particles in Shear
Flow Yuuichi Yamane, Yukio
Kaneda and Masao Doi J. NonNewtonian
Fluid Mech 1994 54
- 1994 Periodic Motion of Large
DNA Molecules during Steady Field Gel Electrophoresis H.
Oana, Y. Masubuchi, M.
Matsumoto, M. Doi, Y. Matsuzawa and K. Yoshikawa
Macromolecules 1994
27 6061-6067
- 1994 Swelling Dynamics of a Gel
Undergoing Volume Transition Tomari
Tutomu, Masao Doi J. Phys.
Soc. Jpn
1994 63
- 1993 Structure and Properties
of Polymers chapter 9, Viscoelastic and Rheological
Properties Masao Doi in Materials
Science and Technology ed by R.W. Cahn, P. Hassen and E.J.Kramer, VCH
1993 12 389-425
volume editor Edwin L. Thomas EB
- 1993 Rheology of Textured
Materials Masao Doi Complex Fluids,
Lecture Notes in Physics, ed by L. Garrido, Springer Verlag
1993 221-242
Proceeding in Sitges conference, Barcelona May
- 1993 Anomalous Rheological
Behaviors of Ordered Phase of Block Copolymers I Takao Ohta, Yosihisa Enomoto, James L. Harden and Masao
Doi Macromolecules
1993 26
- 1993 Anomalous Rheological
Behaviors of Ordered Phase of Block Copolymers II Masao
Doi, James L. Harden and Takao Ohta
Macromolecules 1993
26 4935-4944
- 1993 Brownian Dynamics Simulation
of DNA Gel Electrophoresis Mitsuhiro Matsumoto and Masao
Doi Molecular Simulation
1993 12
- 1993 Change of the Higher Order
Structure of DNA Induced by the Complexation with Intercalating
Synthetic Polymer, As Is by Fluorescence Microscopy K.Minagawa, Y.Matsuzawa, K.Yoshikawa, Y.Masubuchi, M.Matsumoto, M.Doi,Nishimu
Nucleic Acids Research 1993
21 37-40
- 1993 Direct Observation of the
Conformational Dynamics of Large DNA Molecules bFluorescence
Microscopy K. Minagawa, Y. Matsuzawa, K. Yoshikawa, M.
Matsumoto and M. Doi Electricity and Magnetism in
Biology and Medicine, ed Martin Blank, San Francisco P
- 1993 Microdomains in
Block-Copolymers and Multiplets in Ionomers -
Parallels in Behavior Irina A. Nyrkova,
Alexei R. Khokhlov and Masao
Doi Macromolecules
1993 26
- 1993 Model of Porous Particels Containing Water in Electro-Rheological
Fluids Hazime Tamura, Howard
T. See and Masao Doi J. Phys. D
1993 26
- 1993 Periodic Behavior of DNA
Molecules during Steady Field Gel Electrophoresis Y.Masubuchi, H.Oana, K.Ono, M.Matsumoto,M.Doi,K.Minagawa,Y.Matsuzawa
and K.Yoshikawa
Macromolecules 1993
26 5269-70
- 1993 Simulation of
Electro-Rheological Fluids with Water Capillary Forces Hazime Tamura, Howard T. See and Masao
Doi International J. Mod. Phys.
1993 7
- 1993 The Role of Water
Capillary Forces in Electro-Rheological Fluids Howard T.
See, Hazime Tamura and Masao
Doi J. Phys. D 1993
26 746-752
- 1993 Theoretical Study of the
Dynamics of the Nematic-Smectic A Phase Transition
Tomonori Koda, Hatsuo
Kimura and Masao Doi J. Phys. Soc. Jpn
1993 62
- 1992 Rheology of a System with
Mesoscopic Domain Structure Masao Doi
Proceeding of 11th International Congress on Rheology
(Belgium) 1992 1
50-54 Key Note papers in the 11th ICR Aug 1992, Brussells
- 1992 Dynamics of DNA in Gel
Electrophoresis Masao Doi Slow
Dynamics in Condensed Matter ed K. Kawasaki, M. Tokuyama and T. Kawakatsu, 1992
Am. Inst. Phys. New York 292-293
Proceeding in Slow Dynamics in Condensed Matter
- 1992 Deformation of Ionic
Polymer Gels by Electric Fields Masao Doi, Mituhiro Matsumoto and Yoshiharu
Hirose Macromolecules
1992 25
- 1992 Diffusion of
Macromolecules in Narrow Capillaries J. L. Harden and
Masao Doi J. Phys. Chem.
1992 96
- 1992 Dynamic Coupling Between
Stress and Composition in Polymer Solutions and Blends
M. Doi, A. Onuki J. Phys. II
France 1992 2
- 1992 Electric Birefringence and
Dichroism in Critical Binary Mixtures A. Onuki and M. Doi Europhysics
Lett. 1992 17
- 1992 Electro-Rheological
Effects in a Flow through a Narrow Slit Hajime Tamura
and Masao Doi J. Phys. Soc. Jpn
1992 61 3984-3993
- 1992 Frequency Dependent
Susceptibility of Ferrofluids under an Orthogonal Bias
Field M. Doi, H. See J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 1992
61 2090-2098
- 1992 Shear Resistence
of Electro-rheological Fluids under Time-varying Electric
Fields H. See, M. Doi J.
Rheology 1992 36
- 1991 Aggregation Kinetics in
Electro-Rheological Fluids H. See and M.
Doi J. Phys. Soc. Jpn
1991 60
- 1991 Conformational Dynamics of
DNA Affected by Intercalation and Minor Grove Binding; Direct Observation
of Large DNA Y. Matsuzawa, K. Minagawa K. Yoshikawa M.
Mitsuhiro and M. Doi Nucleic Acids
Ser. 1991 25
- 1991 Direct Observation of
Brownian Motion of Macromolecules by Fluorescence
Microscope M. Matsumoto T. Sakaguti
H. Kimura M. Doi Y. Matsuzawa K. Minagawa K. Yoshikawa
J. Polym. Sci.
1991 30
- 1991 Direct Observation of the
Biphasic Conformational Change of DNA Induced by Cationic
Polymers K. Minagawa, Y. Matsuzawa, K. Yoshikawa M.
Mitsuhiro and M. Doi FEBS
1991 295
- 1991 Dynamics and Rheology of
Complex Interfaces Masao Doi and Takao Ohta J. Chem.
Phys. 1991 95
- 1991 Dynamics of Interface of
Gels Undergoing Volume Phase Transition K. Sekimoto and
M. Doi J. Physique II
1991 1 1053-1066
- 1991 Effect of the Nematic
Interaction in the Rouse Dyamics
M. Doi and H. Watanabe Macromolecules
1991 24
- 1991 Mesoscopic Domain Theory
for Textured Liquid Crystalline Polymers R. G. Larson
and M. Doi J. Rheol.
1991 35
- 1991 On the Concentration
Gradient of Polymer Solution in a Rotating Rheometer K.
Osaki and M. Doi J. Rheol.
1991 35
- 1990 Computer Simulation of
Suspension of Adhesive Particles in Shear Flow Masao
Doi Procedding of World Congress
of Particle Technology 1990
93 239-246
- 1990 Computer Simulation of
Domain Growth T. Ohta, H.
Nozaki and M. Doi Dynamics and Patters in Complex Fluids
ed.A. Onuki and K.
Kawasaki 1990
115-116 paper presented at Nisinomiya
Yukawa Symposium
- 1990 Computer Simulation of
Domain Growth under Steady Shear Flow Takao Ohta, Hanae Nozaki and Masao
Doi J. Chem. Phys.
1990 93
- 1990 Computer Simulation of
Domain Growth under Steady Shear Flow Takao Ohta, Hanae Nozaki and Masao
Doi Phys. Lett. 1990
A145 304
- 1990 Effective Viscosity of
Magnetic Fluids J. P. Shen and M. Doi
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn
1990 59
- 1990 Mobility Minima in Field
Inversion Gel Electrophoresis T. Kobayashi, M. Doi, Y.
Makino and M. Ogawa Macromolecules
1990 23
- 1990 The Effect of Steady Flow
Field on the Isotropic-Nematic Phase Transition of Rigid Rod-like
Polymers H. See, M. Doi and R. Larson
J. Chem. Phys. 1990
92 792-800
- 1990 Viscoelastic Effect on
Polymer Diffusion M. Doi Dynamics and
Patterns in Colplex Fluids ed by A.Onuki and K. Kawasaki, Springer
1990 100-112 Nisinomiya-Yukawa Symposium, Oct 1989
- 1989 Simulation of Aggregating
Colloids in Shear Flow M. Doi and D.
Chen Frontiers of Macromolecular Science ed by T. Saegusa et al, Blackwell Scientific
1989 313-318
- 1989 Computer Simulation of
Aggregating Colloids in Shear Flow M. Doi and D.
Chen J. Chem. Phys.
1989 90
- 1989 Effect of Nematic
Interaction in the Orientational Relaxation of Polymer
Melts M. Doi; D. S. Pearson; J.Kornfield
and G. Fuller Macromolecules
1989 22 1488-1490
- 1989 Flow Induced Birefringence
of Concentrated Polyisoprene Solutions D. S. Pearson, A.
D. Kiss, L.J. Fetters and Masao Doi J.
Rheology 1989 33 517-535
- 1989 Simulation of Aggregating
Colloids in Shear Flow II D. Chen and Masao.
Doi J. Chem. Phys.
1989 91
- 1989 Concentration Fluctuation
of Rodlike Polymers M. Doi Dynamic
Behavior of Macromolecules,Colloids,Liquid
Crystals and Bioogical Systems ed H.Watanabe, Yoshioka S published by Hirokawa shoten, Tokyo
1989 73-78
- 1989 Reptation theory of Gel
Electrophoresis M. Doi in
Space Time Organization of Macromolecular Fluids ed by F.
Tanaka M. Doi and T. Ohta
1989 51 in Springer Series
- 1988 Dynamics of Polymers in
Blends M. Doi Molecualr
Conformation and Dynamics of Macromolecules in Condensed Systems ed M.Nagas 1988
Elsevier 145-161
- 1988 Band Inversion of Gel
Electrophoresis of DNA M. Doi; T.Kobayashi;
Y. Makino; M. Ogawa; G. W. Slater and J. Noolandi
Phys. Rev. Lett. 1988
61 1893-1897
- 1988 Coefficients of Gradient
Terms in Landau-de Gennes Free Energy Expansion
for Polymeric Liquid Crystals T. Shimada; M. Doi and K.
Okano J. Phys. Soc. Jpn
1988 57
- 1988 Concentration Fluctuation
of Stiff Polymers I -Static Structure Factor - T.
Shimada; M. Doi and K. Okano J. Chem.
Phys. 1988 88
- 1988 Concentration Fluctuation
of Stiff Polymers II -Dynamical Structure Factor of Rodlike Polymers in
the Isotropic Phase M. Doi; T. Shimada and K.
Okano J. Chem. Phys.
1988 88
- 1988 Concentration Fluctuation
of Stiff Polymers III -Spinodal Decomposition T.
Shimada; M. Doi and K. Okano J. Chem.
Phys. 1988 88
- 1988 Rheology of Concentrated
Colloidal Suspensions M. Doi, D. Chen and K.
Saco Ordering and Organization in Ionic Solutionsed by N.Ise and I.Sogami, World Scientifi
1988 482-491
- 1987 Basic Principle in the
Viscoelasticity of Polymeric Liquids Masao
Doi J. NonNewtonian Fluid
Mech. 1987 23
- 1987 Dynamics of Polymers in
Polydisperse Melts M. Doi; W. W. Graessley;
E. Helfand and D. S. Pearson
Macromolecules 1987
20 1900-1906
- 1987 Microscopic Basis for the
Viscoelasticity of Suspensions Masao
Doi Physics of Complex and Supermolecular
Fluids, ed by S.A. Safran and N.A.Clark,
Wile 1987
- 1986 The Theory of Polymer
Dynamics M. Doi and S. F. Edwards
Oxford University Press
1986 1-391
- 1986 Molecular Theory for the
Nonlinear Viscoelasticity of Polymeric Liquid Crystals
Masao Doi Theory and Application of Liquid Crystals ed by
J.L.Ericksen and D.Kinderlehrer,Sprin
1986 The IMA Vol. in Math &its
143-150 Workshop on Liquid Crystals, Institute of
Mathematics Research Center, Univ. Minn
- 1986 Flow Birefringence and
Dichroism of Polymers I- General Theory and Application to the Dilute
Case Akira Onuki and Masao
Doi J. Chem. Phys.
1986 85
- 1985 Effect of the Chain
Flexibility on the Dynamics of Rodlike Polymers in EntangledState
Masao Doi J. Polym. Sci. Polym. Symp.
1985 73 93-103
- 1985 Structure of the Interface
between the Nematic Phase and the Isotropic Phase in the Rodlike
Molecules Masao Doi and Nobu Kuzuu
J. Appl. Polym. Sci. Appl. Polym.
Symp. 1985
41 65-68
- 1984 Constitutive Equation for
Nematic Liquid Crystals under Weak Velocity Gradient Derived from a
Molecular Kinetic Equation II Nobu Kuzuu
and Masao Doi J. Phys. Soc. Jpn
1984 53
- 1984 Monte Carlo Simulation of
the Dynamics of Thin Rodlike Polymers in Concentrated
Solution Masao Doi; Izumi Yamamoto and Fumiaki
Kano J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.
1984 53
- 1984 Nonlinear Viscoelasticity
of Concentrated Polymer Systems Kunihiro
Osaki and Masao Doi Polymer Engineering
Reviews 1984 4
- 1983 Constitutive Equation for
Nematic Liquid Crystals under Weak Velocity Gradient Derived from a
Molecular Kinetic Equation I Nobu Kuzuu
and Masao Doi J. Phys. Soc. Jpn
1983 52
- 1983 Explanation for the 3.4
Power Law of Viscosity of Polymeric Liquids on the Basis of the Tube
Model Masao Doi J. Polymer Sci. Phys.
Ed. 1983 21
- 1983 Theory of Agglomeration of
Ferromagnetic Particles in Magnetic Fluids Kazuhiro Sano
and Masao Doi J. Phys. Soc.Japan
1983 52
- 1983 Variational Principle for
the Kirkwood Theory for the Dynamics of Polymer Solutions and Suspensions
Masao Doi J. Chem. Phys.
1983 79
- 1983 Viscoelasticity of
Concentrated Solutions of Stiff Polymers Masao
Doi Faraday. Symp. Chem.
Soc. 1983 18 49-56
- 1983 Rheology of Concentrated
Macromolecular Solutions Masao Doi
Theory of Dispersed Multiphase Flow Edited by R. E.Meyer,
Academic Press
- 1982 Dynamics of Rodlike
Polymers in Semi-Dilute Solutions - Short Time Scale Motion
- Masao Doi J. Polymer Sci. Polym. Phys. Ed.
1982 20
- 1982 Molecular Deformation of
Polymers in Concentrated Solutions Mitsunobu
Sekiya and Masao Doi J. Phys. Soc.
Japan. 1982 5
- 1982 Rheology of Concentrated
Suspensions of Slender Rods Masao Doi
Adv. Colloid Int. Sci. 1982
17 233-239
- 1981 Molecular Theory for the
Nonlinear Viscoelasticity of Concentrated Polymer
Systems Masao Doi Proceeding of Japan
China Bilateral Symposium on Polymer Science and Technology
1981 243-245
- 1981 An Explanation for the 3.4
Power Law of Viscosity of Polymeric Liquids Based on the Tube
Model Masao Doi J. Polymer Sci.
Lett. 1981 19 265-273
- 1981 Elasticity of Entangled
Networks R. C. Ball; Masao Doi; S. F. Edwards and M.
Warner Polymer 1981
22 1010-1018
- 1981 Molecular Dynamics and
Rheological Properties of Concentrated Solutions of Rodlike Polymers
in Isotropic and Liquid Crystalline Phases Masao
Doi J. Polymer Sci.
1981 19
- 1980 Rheological Properties of
Rodlike Polymers in Isotropic and Liquid Crystalline
Phases Masao Doi
Ferroelectrics 1980
30 247-254 EC
- 1980 A Constitutive Equation
Derived from the Model of Doi and Edwards for Cocentrated
Polymer Solutions and Polymer Melts Masao
Doi J. Polymer Sci.
1980 18
- 1980 Molecular Rheology of
Concentrated Polymer Systems I Masao
Doi J. Polymer Sci. Phys. Ed.
1980 18 1005-1020
- 1980 Nonlinear Elasticity of
Rodlike Macromolecules in Condensed State Masao Doi and
Nobu Kuzuu J. Polymer Sci.
Phys. Ed. 1980 18
- 1980 Nonlinear Viscoelasticity
of Concentrated Solution of Rodlike Polymers Nobu Kuzuu and Masao Doi Polymer
J. 1980 12
- 1980 Rheology of Star Polymers
in Concentrated Solutions and Melts Masao Doi and Nobu Kuzuu J. Polymer Sci.
Lett. 1980 18
- 1980 Stress Relaxation of
Polymeric Liquids after Double Step Strain Masao
Doi J. Polymer Sci.
1980 18
- 1979 Dynamics of Concentrated
Polymer Systems IV; Rheological Properties Masao Doi and
S. F. Edwards J.C.S. Faraday Trans. II
1979 75 38-54
- 1978 Dynamics of Concentrated
Polymer Systems I; Brownian Motion in Equilibrim
State Masao Doi and S. F. Edwards JCS
Faraday Trans. II 1978
74 1789-1801
- 1978 Dynamics of Concentrated
Polymer Systems II; Molecular Motion under Flow Masao
Doi and S. F. Edwards J.C.S. Faraday Trans.
II 1978 74
- 1978 Dynamics of Concentrated
Polymer Systems III; The Constitutive Equation Masao Doi
and S. F. Edwards J.C.S. Faraday Trans.
II 1978 74
- 1978 Dynamics of Helix-Coil
Transition and Isotope Exchange Reaction Fumiaki Kano
and Masao Doi J. Phys. Soc. Jpn
1978 45
- 1978 Dynamics of Rodlike
Macromolecules in Concentrated Solution I Masao Doi and
S. F. Edwards J.C.S. Faraday Trans. II
1978 74
- 1978 Dynamics of Rodlike
Macromolecules in Concentrated Solution II Masao Doi and
S. F. Edwards J.C.S. Faraday Soc. II
1978 74
- 1976 A New Variational Approach
to the Problems of Porous Media Masao
Doi J. Phys. Soc. Japan
1976 40
- 1976 Computer Simulation of the
Intramolecular Reaction of Polymers Masaji
Sakata and Masao Doi Polymer J.
1976 8
- 1976 Second Quantization
Representation for Classical Many Particle System Masao
Doi J. Phys. A 1976
9 1465-1477
- 1976 Stochastic Theory of
Diffusion Controlled Reaction Masao
Doi J. Phys. A 1976
9 1479-1495
- 1976 Theory of Diffusion
Controlled Intrachain Reaction of Polymers II Seiichi Sunagawa and Masao Doi Polymer
J. 1976 8
- 1976 Theory of the
High-Frequency Limiting Viscosity of a Dilute Polymer Solution
II Masao Doi, Haruhiko Nakajima and Yasaku
Wada Colloid and Polymer Sci.
1976 254
- 1975 An Estimation of the Tube
Radius in the Entanglement Effect of Concentraed
Polymer Solutions Masao Doi J. Phys.
A 1975 8
- 1975 Computer Simulation of the
Brownian Motion of a Polyelectrolyte Molecule (Charged Bead-Spring
Model) Susumu Fujimori; Haruhiko Nakajima; Yasaku Wada and Masao Doi J.
Polymer Sci. Phys. Ed. 1975
13 2135-2153
- 1975 Diffusion Controlled
Reaction of Polymers Masao Doi Chem.
Phys. 1975 9
- 1975 Equilibrium Partition
Coefficient of Macromolecules between Random Porous Materials and Bulk
Liquids Masao Doi JCS Trans. Faraday
Soc. II 1975 10
- 1975 Note on the Viscosity of
Dilute Suspension of Rigid Particles Jyoji
Murakami, Masao Doi and Koji Okano Japan J. App.
Phys. 1975 14
- 1975 Rotational Relaxation Time
of Rigid Rodlike Macromolecules in Concentrated Solution
Masao Doi J. Physique (Paris)
1975 36 607-611
- 1975 Theory of Diffusion
Controlled Intrachain Reaction of Polymers I Seiichi Sunagawa and Masao Doi Polymer
J. 1975 7
- 1975 Theory of Diffusion
Controlled Reaction between Non-Simple Molecules I Masao
Doi Chem. Phys. 1975
11 107-113
- 1975 Theory of Diffusion
Controlled Reaction between Non-Simple Molecules II
Masao Doi Chem. Phys.
1975 11
- 1975 Theory of High-Frequency
Limiting Viscosity of a Dilute Polymer Solution I Masao
Doi, Haruhiko Nakajima and Yasaku
Wada Colloid and Polymer Sci.
1975 253
- 1975 Transition Behaviour from de Gennes
Type Motion to Rouse's of a Polymer Chain in Fixed
Network Masao Doi J. Phys.
A 1975 8
- 1974 Helix-Coil Transition
under External Forces Masao Doi
Polymer J. 1974 6
- 1974 Molecular Theory of the
Viscoelastic Properties of Concentrated Polymer
Solutions Masao Doi Chem. Phys.
Lett. 1974 26
- 1974 Relaxation Spectra of
Nonlinear Polymers Masao Doi Polymer
J. 1974 6
- 1974 Theory of the Shape
Relaxation of a Rouse Chain Masao Doi and Haruhiko
Nakajima Chem. Phys.
1974 6
- 1973 Correlation Function
Formula for the Intrinsic Viscosity of Polymer Solutions
Masao Doi and Koji Okano Polymer J.
1973 5 216-226
- 1973 Monte Carlo Studies of the
Brownian Motion of a Polymer Chain under Topological
Constraints Masao Doi Polymer
J. 1973 5
- 1972 Excluded Volume Effect on
Dipole Moment of Polar Macromolecules Masao
Doi Polymer J. 1972
3 252-253
List of Publication
(Japanese) Updated
- 2022 瑞宝中綬章をいただいて FSBLニュースレターVol.11 page2
- 2020 ゴム技術者のためのソフトマター物理講座
第1 章 ゴムの変形と弾性 土井正男 ゴム協会誌 93 page
- 2020 ゴム技術者のためのソフトマター物理講座
第2 章 高分子液体の流動と粘性 土井正男 ゴム協会誌 93
- 2020 ゴム技術者のためのソフトマター物理講座 第3 章 物質の混合と分離 土井正男 ゴム協会誌 93 page 170-175
- 2020 ゴム技術者のためのソフトマター物理講座 第4 章 拡散・浸透・膨潤 土井正男 ゴム協会誌 93 page 248-254
- 2020 ゴム技術者のためのソフトマター物理講座 第5 章 蒸発・乾燥 土井正男 ゴム協会誌 93 page 352-357
- 2018 蒸発と乾燥の物理学:蒸発による液体の運動と構造形成
土井正男 物理学会誌 解説 vol 73 page 551 (2018)
- 2018 チューインガムの物理, 土井正男 時習館記念誌
- 2018 オンサーガーの変分原理と物理学
土井正男 パリティ 33
27-34 (2018)
- 2018 "Dr. P. G. de Gennes"
接着学会誌 「トピックス」 vol
54 88-89 (2018)
- 2017 オンサガー原理とその応用 土井正男 パリティ 2017 vol32 page
- 2016 表面・界面のシミュレーション技術の課題
土井正男 表面・界面技術ハンドブック page 213 (2016)
- 2015 Samuel Frederick Edwards教授を偲んで 土井正男 日本物理学会誌 vol 70 816 (2015)
- 2015 小野木重治先生を追悼する 土井正男 レオロジー学会誌
- 2015 中国に移り住んで 土井正男 高分子学会誌 64巻 17-19(2015)
- 2014 連続体モデルによるゲルのダイナミクス 土井正男 ゲルテクノロジーハンドブック エヌ・ティー・エス 2014/10/15 発刊 (2014)
- 2014 土井ーエドワーズ理論 メイドインジャパン物理用語物性編 パリティ vol 29 No 3 page 29
- 2014 高分子材料シミュレーションツール OCTA, JACI出版委員会、土井正男 監修 (2014)
- 2014 高分子材料シミュレーションツール OCTA, 土井正男 化学経済 (2014)
- 2014 研究室をもつことになった君たちへ 高分子学会特集 若きリーダー達へのエール 土井正男 高分子学会誌 63 59-59 (2014)
- 2013 私の本棚から 表面張力の物理学 土井正男 高分子学会誌 62 page 625-625 (2013)
- 2013 ソフトマターの界面レオロジー 土井正男 豊田研究報告 No 66 p55-60 (2013)
- 2013 ゴムとレオロジー 土井正男 ゴム協会誌 vol 86 93-93 (2013)
- 2013 升田先生の思い出 土井正男 レオロジー学会誌 (2013)
- 2011 ソフトマターの界面レオロジー 土井正男 接着学会誌 Vol.47 317-322 (2011)
- 2011 やわらかい粘弾性体のすべり摩擦現象 山口哲生,森下真年,土井正男 物理学会誌 66 443-447
- 2011 エドワーズ先生との出会い 土井正男 高分子学会誌 60 13-14 (2011)
- 2011 Onsagerの変分原理と流体力学の変分原理
土井正男 物性研究 submitted 2010/12/27
- 2010 ソフトマター物理入門 土井正男 岩波書店 1-275 (2010)
- 2010 高分子シミュレーションにおけるマルチスケールモデリングと粗視化の方法 兵頭志明 土井正男 高分子論文集 67 164-178(2010)
- 2009 粘着性ゲルシートのすべり摩擦
山口哲生、大亦聡、土井正男 日本ゴム協会誌、第82巻第3号、93ページ(2009)
- 2009 高分子薄膜の引き剥がしにおける構造形成 森田裕史 土井正男
自己組織化ハンドブック (株式会社NTS) 814-816
- 2009 界面レオロジーと粘着 土井正男 日東電工技報 47 08-11 (2009)
- 2008 粘着・剥離のレオロジー 山口哲生 土井正男 ケミカルエンジニヤリング(化学工業社) 53 771-776
- 2008 ソフトマター入門 III、土井正男 固体物理(アグネ技術センター) 43 629-635 (2008)
- 2008 ソフトマター入門 II、土井正男 固体物理(アグネ技術センター) 43 563-568 (2008)
- 2008 ソフトマター入門 I、土井正男 固体物理 (アグネ技術センター) 43 477- 481 (2008)
- 2008 メソスケールダイナミクスシミュレータOCTA 森田裕史 土井正男 ペトロテック 31 436-440
- 2008 ソフトマターのレオロジー 土井正男 物理学会誌 63 434-440 (2008)
- 2008 粘着性のある物質の粘着と摩擦
山口哲生, 大亦聡, Costantino Creton, 土井正男 トライボロジスト 53
150-155 (2008)
- 2007 粘着剤引離しに関する可視化実験 山口 哲生,小池 啓輔, Constantino Creton,
土井 正男 接着学会誌 43 468-472 (2007)
- 2007 高分子と計算機 (高分子学会誌 特集 計算する高分子、計算される高分子の素描) 土井正男 高分子学会誌 56 975-975 (2007)
- 2007 追悼 ピエールジル・ドジャンヌ博士 土井正男 物理学会誌 8月号 p636 (2007)
- 2007 ソフトマター物理 土井正男 ”学術の動向”小特集"物理学の今日から明日へ 学術の動向 7月号 p56-57 (2007)
- 2007 ナノテクノロジーにおけるマルチスケールモデリングとOCTAの考え方 土井正男 ポリファイル巻頭言 p2-2 (2007)
- 2007 粗視化シミュレーションを用いた粘着・剥離の挙動解析 森田裕史、土井正男
コンヴァーテック 3 56-62 (2007)
- 2007 ソフトマテリアルのための統合シミュレーションシステム"OCTA" 青柳岳司 土井正男 応用物理学会誌 76,
.179-182 (2007)
- 2007 高分子の粘着と剥離ーミクロ・メソの視点から− 土井正男、山口哲生 成形加工 19
- 2006 -近未来のミクロCAE- マルチスケールモデリングの課題と未来 土井正男 成形加工 18 653-656 (2006)
- 2006 高分子物理と山本三三三 土井正男 レオロジー学会誌
34 245-251 (2006)
- 2006 夭逝した情報化学研究者 吉田元二 土井正男 CICSJ Bulletin (日本化学会情報化学部会誌) 24 2-4 (2006)
- 2006 統計力学 土井正男 朝倉書店 1-227 (2006)
- 2006 粗視化分子動力学法を用いた薄膜のガラス転移温度と表面物性の解析 森田裕史 土井正男 高分子加工 77-82 (2006)
- 2005 ソフトマテリアル統合シミュレータOCTA 山上達也,土井正男 日本機械学会誌 108 28-31 (2005)
- 2005 三次元仮想イメージング実験を用いたソフトマテリアルの構造解析 森田裕史、陣内浩司、西 敏夫、土井正男 高分子論文集 62 502-507 (2005)
- 2004 物理仮想実験室 土井正男・滝本淳一編 名古屋大学出版会 1-300 (2004)
- 2004 分子鎖レベルからみた接着現象 森田裕史 土井正男 日本接着学会 40 521-523
- 2004 現代物理学の歴史 II(朝倉物理学体系第21巻) 高分子物理学 土井正男
626-629 (2004)
- 2004 理論・実験とシミュレーション 土井正男 高分子学会誌 vol 53 249-249 (2004)
- 2004 ソフトマテリアルレオロジーの理論的研究 レオロジー学会誌 土井正男 32 11-16 (2004)
- 2004 ソフトマテリアルシミュレータOCTA 土井正男 物理学会誌 vol 59 84-91 (2004)
- 2003 高分子系の統合シミュレーションシステム 増渕雄一、土井正男 化学工学 436-439 (2003)
- 2003 多階層的バイオレオシミュレータの研究開発 増渕雄一、土井正男 化学工業 15 263-266
- 2003 研究室を選ぶ若い人たちへ 土井正男 科学(岩波書店)
73 299-300 (2003)
- 2002 階層的モデリング 土井正男 パリティ
17 56-60
- 2002 高分子材料設計とOCTA 土井正男 CICSJ Bulletin (日本化学会情報化学部会誌) 20(3)
64-65 (2002)
- 1999 メソ領域のシミュレーション 青柳岳司 土井正男 高分子 48 316-319 (1999)
- 1999 動的平均場法を用いたポリマーブレンド薄膜の内部構造および表面構造の解析
森田裕史,川勝年洋,土井正男 高分子論文集 56(10)
674-683 (1999)
- 1999 平均場理論による高分子のメソ領域シミュレーション 本田隆,浦下真治,森田裕史,長谷川龍一,川勝年洋,土井正男
高分子論文集 56(12)
- 1999 材料設計シミュレーション 土井正男 先端材料制御工学 槙書店 143-155 (1999)
- 1998 コロイド系を複雑液体としてみる
土井正男 化学と工業 51 1044-1047 (1998)
- 1997 物性の十大課題 土井正男 高分子学会誌 46
28-29 (1997)
- 1997 超薄膜高分子ブレンドの相分離
訳 谷口貴志、土井正男 パリティ 12
129-132 (1997)
- 1997 遺伝子を引っ張る 訳
土井正男、小穴英廣 パリティ 12
4-12 (1997)
- 1996 高分子自己組織系のレオロジー
樹神弘也 土井正男 表面 34 693-699 (1996)
- 1996 意のままに設計する高分子 トポロジー流体ーその研究の歩み(翻訳)
土井正男 パリティー (1996)
- 1996 書評 ゴム弾性(久保亮五) 土井正男 数理科学
401(Nov) 49-49 (1996)
- 1996 高分子・ゲル 土井正男 大学院物性物理 第3巻, 講談社サイエンティフィーク 第3巻
155-197 (1996)
- 1995 書評 高分子の物理学 (田中文彦著 裳華房) 土井正男 固体物理 30 405-405 (1995)
- 1995 複雑流体と自然の階層的記述 土井正男 日本物理学会誌
50 295-299 (1995)
- 1994 計算機による高分子材料設計 土井正男 高分子 43
775-775 (1994)
- 1994 複雑流体のレオロジー 土井正男 固体物理
29 279-285 (1994)
- 1994 ER流体の物理的挙動 土井正男 ER流体の開発と応用 小山清人監修 (CMC出版) 11-20 (1994)
- 1993 複雑流体のレオロジー 土井正男 物性研究
61 179-221 東北大学集中講義録、まとめ石原貴光
- 1993 高分子機能材料シリーズ 融体の動的性質
土井正男 共立出版 3巻高分子物性の基礎,
129-143 (1993)
- 1993 長鎖DNAの分離法ーシミュレーションと 直接観察によるDNAダイナミクスの追跡 松本充弘 土井正男
蛋白質 核酸 酵素
38 533-540 (1993)
- 1992 複雑流体のシミュレーション 土井正男 日本シミュレーション学会誌
11 89-96 (1992)
- 1992 高分子・相転移ダイナミクス 土井正男・小貫明 岩波書店 1-124
現代の物理学 vol 19 (1992)
- 1992 高分子ダイナミックス 土井正男 講座・レオロジー
121-148 (1992)
- 1992 交流電場下でのER流体の凝集とレオロジー
シー ハワード 土井正男 日本レオロジー学会誌 1992 20
78-84 (1992)
- 1990 複雑な流体 土井正男 日本物理学会誌
45 549-556 (1990)
- 1988 エッセンシャル高分子科学 中浜精一,野瀬卓平,秋山三郎,讃井浩平,辻田義治,土井正男,堀江一之 講談社サイエンティフィク
全1-249 (1988)
- 1987 高分子鎖のダイナミックス 土井正男
日本物理学会誌 42
333-337 (1987)
- 1986 グリーン関数法 土井正男 化学者のための数学 中条、伏見、堀江、土井編 東京化学同人 227-238 (1986)
- 1985 高分子系におけ非線形非平衡の統計力学
土井正男 フィジクス 6 479-483 (1985)
- 1984 非線形粘弾性におけるからみ合い効果
土井正男 日本レオロジー学会誌 12 33-36 (1984)
- 1983 高分子のからみ合い 土井正男 フィジクス
4 547-551 (1983)
- 1983 弾む液体 土井正男 物性研究 41
219-254 京都大学学理学部物理教室 集中講義ノート
- 1981 高分子濃厚系の理論の新しい展開
土井正男 ゴム協会誌 54 635-643 (1981)
- 1979 からみ合い効果の統計力学 土井正男 化学の領域 33
30-38 (1979)
- 1979 高分子物性 II - 高分子濃厚溶液 近久、三宅、土井編
物理学会論文選集 (1979)
- 1978 からみ合い効果の最近の理論 土井正男 高分子
27 649-655 (1978)
- 1978 高分子ダイナミックスにおけるモンテカルロ法
土井正男 高分子実験化学講座 丸善
1025-1034 (1978)
- 1976 高分子鎖のからみ合い 土井正男 日本物理学会誌
31 956-963 (1976)
- 1976 高分子系の分子間からみ合い効果の理論
土井正男 東京大学博士論文 1-92 (1976)
- 1972 高分子統計論の新しい方法 土井正男 高分子 21
213-220 (1972)